

TDD is a worldwide specialist in Ex inspection and maintenance, electrical training services and emergency management training services.

The company supports numerous oil, gas and petrochemical companies in order to achieve an exceptional level of asset integrity and achieve greater workforce competence through relevant personnel training and assessment.

Electrical and training services for the energy industry

The main focus of TDD at this time is the ever-increasing need for an up-to-date hazardous area equipment register (HAER) and maintenance of any faults found with electrical or instrumentation equipment on a company’s asset. Failure to rectify any serious faults found can result in loss of life or injury to company personnel and / or serious damage to asset integrity, as has been shown in major accidents across the globe in recent times.

TDD supports oil, gas and process-related companies worldwide.
The core company managers have between them more than 50 years of experience in the oil, gas and process industry.
Ex inspection within TDD has expanded greatly.
Alongside visual inspections, the team carries out detailed inspections.
TDD will provide the client with real-life scenarios of differing emergency situations.

TDD has proven itself a leader in the field of Ex Inspection, providing a very high standard of independent inspection services for electrical and instrumentation equipment, as well as producing client-specific, relevant end products to allow implementation of a precise and productive maintenance strategy.

Providing Ex inspections and maintenance

Alongside visual inspections, the team also carries out detailed inspections and, if required, maintenance on faults.

Gas explosions are a major threat to asset integrity and employees in hydrocarbon production facilities. For any explosion to occur, there must be an associated ignition source present during a gas release. Electrical and Instrumentation equipment provide the most common source of ignition, unless the equipment is correctly installed and maintained.

During the visual Ex Inspection, TDD will create or update a hazardous area equipment register (HAER), giving the client a quick reference to each item inspected and detailing the faults found.

The International Electrical Commission standard IEC 60079 provides guidance on correct installation and maintenance of the above equipment and recommends a three-year interval between periodic independent inspections of such equipment to ensure safe operation within a hydrocarbon environment.

TDD’s COMPEx-certified inspection team work on offshore and onshore installations in various parts of the world and have gained vast experience in different situations regarding Ex Inspection. TDD also provides electrical training courses that go hand-in-hand with the company’s Ex inspection and maintenance. It provides training for various positions within the electrical and instrumentation teams present on a client’s site.

Electrical training in potentially hazardous locations

TDD provides Ex training in accordance with the latest edition of IEC 60079. This training is designed to increase the competence and confidence of those working directly in potentially dangerous onsite areas. TDD provides this training to client requirements and the company’s mobility allows it to train personnel in a familiar environment using equipment that they use every day, giving them the confidence that the training they receive is specific and relevant. By increasing the confidence of the workforce, the client can ensure that their worksite is as safe as possible. TDD’s main electrical training courses are as follows:

  • Electrical equipment in potentially hazardous areas
  • Safe selection, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment for use in hazardous locations
  • HV/LV switching procedures and assessment courses

HV/LV training carried out by TDD is provided in accordance with the latest relevant standards, in this case, SI635 (Electricity at Work Regulations) UK and NFPA 70E (National Fire Protection Association) USA. Because of the company’s mobility, TDD is able to run this course with an assessment at any location of the client’s choosing. This helps clients to gain outstanding training with great value for money.

Increasing competence in emergency management

TDD will provide the client with real-life scenarios of differing emergency situations and increase management’s competence and confidence in their decision making and handling of any emergency situation.

Each course will be tailor-made using client specifications of any rig, gas plant, onshore installation or FPSO, to ensure that the training is specific and accurate for employee needs. Our main areas of emergency response training are:

  • Management of major emergencies
  • Control room operator course